Attended Book Launch of Tales of a 10th Grade Vampire Hunter

Buffy meets Burn Notice — that’s how author Bill Blume described his debut novel, Tales of a a 10th Grade Vampire Hunter, to his book launch audience. We gathered at Fountain Bookstore in downtown Richmond and were amply supplied with Dixie Donuts (specially made with red frosting shaped as bats).

Store owner, Kelly Justice gave a warm, heartfelt introduction, then Bill described his teen novel and how it all came about and fielded questions. We queued up for book signings, which included stamped red bats.

Celebration continued a block away at Siné, where the novel opens.

JP Cane with Bill Blume at his book launch of Tales of a 10th Grade Vampire Hunter
At Fountain Bookstore, Richmond, Va. with Bill Blume at his book launch of Tales of a 10th Grade Vampire Hunter.


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