Category: Musings
The Etymologicon
The longest grammatically correct English sentence using the same word is: “Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.”* This, according to Mark Forsyth in his book, The Etymologicon, which I have read with delight.
Happy New Year 2019
How are we already in the final year of the decade? Well here’s to a great 2019. I’ve re-read my 2018 New Year post and the goals therein. How’d I do?
ASMR Vampire
I recently searched “vampire” on YouTube and found this video. I quite enjoyed it and wanted to share. Lots of candles. Hope she has a fireproof lair.
My First Writers Panel Appearance
How could I do this? What did I get myself into? I’m going to either not having anything to say, or I’m going to sound like an idiot. Those are some of my thoughts leading up to my first appearance as a panelist last month. (By the way, I don’t know why it’s taken so…