Episode 21 of Working Title podcast is about the collaboration of indie authors and their book designers. Joining me is a pair of aces–author Mark Slauter, who wrote, The Diary of a Novice Investor: The Bullet Train to Wealth Left When? and designer Sarah Lapallo Beck of Inkwell Book Co.
Their kitchen sink project encompassed just about everything one could think of: an engaging cover, colorful chapter illustrations, varied typesetting, and even tables of data.
We’ll discuss lessons learned, what indies should ask their designers, and what designers offer for typical fiction projects.
Length: 71 mins.
Recorded on April 15, 2018
Intro and outro music in the podcast is called, “The Strategy.”
Mark Slauter’s website: https://leeandleapublishing.com
Inkwell Book Co.’s website: http://inkwellbookcompany.com
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