Tag: Books
Finished The Devil’s Company
I really enjoyed this book and I am in awe (read: jealous) of how expertly author David Liss places the reader right beside the main character in eighteenth century London. Rich detail, natural dialogue, compelling characters and intricate plots all make for a delightful read. I will certainly pick up another Benjamin Weaver tale.
Began Lives
I am reading Lives: Perception is Reality with some trepidation. I know the author, JJ McMoon, so I really hope to like it. My understanding is that it’s about people who had gone to high school together and reconnect through the machinations of another.
Finished Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Generally I liked Robert Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, but for the ending and a few other moments. For this reason, please be warned that I will be covering this. And hopefully I am representing the philosophical elements properly.
Omnivoracious: Best Sci-Fi of the Year So Far
Came upon a post in Omnivoracious (an Amazon blog) about its picks for best sci-fi and fantasy novels for 2010 (thus far).