Tag: vampires
Kiss of the Damned
A new vampire movie is due out soon called Kiss of the Damned. There is a R-rated trailer available for viewing.
Bram Stoker Was Inspired by Anthropoligists?
A Slate article by Douglas Starr proposes that perhaps Dracula author Bram Stoker may have been inspired by the writings of Italian psychologist Cesare Lombroso. In his research, Lombroso sought the underlying causes of primitive and criminal behavior and concluded that it was due to biology, particularly bad brains (Abby Normal ones?). Starr writes: The…
Critique Group Verdict on the Rough Draft
I met with the critique group this past Monday and they did not fail in being their usual incisive, helpful, encouraging selves. As I had mentioned here earlier, I was concerned about the length. The word count makes for a rawboned novel and I wondered what could be done to beef it up. They were…
Generally What the Novel Is About
As I await word from the critique group on the novel, I’ll share what it’s about. I won’t get into the specifics of the novel as I’ll save that for posts concerning the query letter I am now working on. It’s about characters, most of whom are vampires, set in the real world, which is…